
Manual of the warrior of light

A few days back, I got a chance to read the “Manual of the warrior of light” by Paulo Coelho that brings a synthesis of snippets of wisdom extracted into tiny little lessons.This book is a manual for all those who are embarked on their journeys to introspect, to search for something deep within themselves…

World Mental Health Day

My blog has most of the time been inspired by the writings and theories of Viktor Frankl, a man who lived through an experience that is hard to imagine for anyone. He lived in a concentration camp for four years, was herded around like a mere cattle, with meagre portions of grains and oblivious to…

There’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow Shining at the end of every day!

Remember the time you lost? Remember when the person you loved with all your might, broke your heart and you thought you’ll never love again? Remember when you were embarrassed? Remember the time when the future seemed like a blank sheet of paper? Remember the time when your tiny little inner demons told you that…

Live Simply

Simplicity might appear a “not-so-cool” thing to find contentment in, but our tiny little joys lie in these simple moments. Happiness is in the moments when your dad brings home the seasonal mangoes without you having to ask for them, happiness is in the “chai dates” with your friends while laughing at their lame jokes.…

Be your own kind of beautiful!

We often put ourselves into the boxes of these labels like ‘fat’, ‘skinny’, ‘fair’, ‘dark’, ‘short’, ‘tall’ and the list goes on. So let’s talk about body shaming today. A lot of us struggle with it.  We set an idealistic standard for our body. We believe that the shape, size, colour of our body defines…

Remember when you wanted what you currently have?

Remember?Remember the time when you were frightened and yet you overcame that fear?The time you cried out a river thinking you were doomed and yet you got up and started afresh?The time you lost what you loved and gained it back?The time you were hopeless and were craving for even a single ray of hope?The…

Better an oops than a what if!

Better an oops than a what if! ~ Beau Taplin Your what-ifs reflect the fear of suffering, fear of not being perfect, fear of faltering because the hesitation to act over isn’t just procrastination. If you constantly feel the pressure of being perfect, you may not even try. You have a great plan and no…

You’re the sky. Everything else- it’s just the weather…

“You are the sky, everything else it’s just the weather” This is one of the most beautiful teachings by Pema Chödrö. Moods, emotions, feelings, they come like visitors. Some days are pleasant like flowers and spring and yet the other ones are as scary as forecasts of gloom and doom. Our mind feels like a…

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